Keynote Speaker I
Prof. Rajkumar Buyya
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Speech Title: Neoteric Frontiers in Cloud, Edge, and Quantum
Abstract: Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of
services that are delivered in a manner similar to utilities such as
water, electricity, gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access
services based on their requirements without regard to where the
services are hosted or how they are delivered. Cloud computing paradigm
has turned this vision of "computing utilities" into a reality. It
offers infrastructure, platform, and software as services, which are
made available to consumers as subscription-oriented services. Cloud
application platforms need to offer (1) APIs and tools for rapid
creation of elastic applications and (2) a runtime system for deployment
of applications on geographically distributed Data Centre
infrastructures (with Quantum computing nodes) in a seamless manner.
The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm enables seamless integration of
cyber-and-physical worlds and opening opportunities for creating new
class of applications for domains such as smart cities, smart robotics,
and smart healthcare. The emerging Fog/Edge computing paradigms support
latency sensitive/real-time IoT applications with a seamless integration
of network-wide resources all the way from edge to the Cloud.
This keynote presentation will cover (a) 21st century vision of
computing and identifies various IT paradigms promising to deliver the
vision of computing utilities; (b) innovative architecture
for creating elastic Clouds integrating edge resources and managed
Clouds, (c) Aneka 5G, a Cloud Application Platform, for rapid
development of Cloud/Big Data/AI applications and their deployment on
private/public Clouds with resource provisioning driven by SLAs, (d) a
novel FogBus software framework with Blockchain-based data-integrity
management for facilitating end-to-end IoT-Fog/Edge-Cloud integration
for execution of sensitive IoT applications, (e) experimental results on
deploying Cloud and Big Data/ IoT applications in engineering, and
health care (e.g., COVID-19), deep learning/Artificial intelligence
(AI), satellite image processing, and natural language processing
(mining COVID-19 research for new insights) on elastic Clouds, (f)
QFaaS: A Serverless Function-as-a-Service Framework for Quantum
Computing, and (g) directions for delivering our 21st century vision
along with new directions for future research in Cloud, Edge, and
Quantum computing.
Biography: Dr. Rajkumar Buyya is a Redmond Barry Distinguished
Professor and Director of the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems
(CLOUDS) Laboratory at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is
also serving as the founding CEO of Manjrasoft, a spin-off company of
the University, commercializing its innovations in Cloud Computing. He
has authored over
850 publications and seven textbooks including "Mastering Cloud
Computing" published by McGraw Hill, China Machine Press, and Morgan
Kaufmann for Indian, Chinese and international markets respectively. Dr.
Buyya is one of the highly cited authors in computer science and
software engineering worldwide (h-index=166 g-index=365, and 145,500+
citations). He has been recognised as a "Web of Science Highly Cited
Researcher" for seven times since 2016, "Best of the World" twice for
research fields (in Computing Systems in 2019 and Software Systems in
2021/2022/2023) as well as "Lifetime Achiever" and "Superstar of
Research" in "Engineering and Computer Science" discipline twice (2019
and 2021) by the Australian Research Review.
Software technologies for Grid, Cloud, and Fog computing developed under
Dr.Buyya's leadership have gained rapid acceptance and are in use at
several academic institutions and commercial enterprises in 50+
countries around the world. Manjrasoft's Aneka Cloud technology
developed under his leadership has received "Frost New Product
Innovation Award". He served as founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing. He is currently serving as
Editor-in-Chief of Software: Practice and Experience, a long-standing
journal in the field established 50+ years ago. He has presented over
700 invited talks (keynotes, tutorials, and seminars) on his vision on
IT Futures, Advanced Computing technologies, and Spiritual Science at
international conferences and institutions in Asia, Australia, Europe,
North America, and South America. He has recently been recognized as a
Fellow of the Academy of Europe. For further information on Dr.Buyya,
please visit his cyberhome:
Keynote Speaker II
Prof. Minghua Chen
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Biography: Dr. Minghua Chen received his B.Eng. and M.S. degrees
from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University. He
received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Sciences at University of California Berkeley. He is
currently a Professor of School of Data Science, City University of Hong
Kong. He received the Eli Jury award from UC Berkeley (presented to a
graduate student or recent alumnus for outstanding achievement in the
area of Systems, Communications, Control, or Signal Processing) and
several best paper awards, including IEEE ICME Best Paper Award in 2009,
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award in 2009, ACM
Multimedia Best Paper Award in 2012, IEEE INFOCOM Best Poster Award in
2021, and ACM e-Energy Best Paper Award in 2023. He is currently a
Senior Editor for IEEE Systems Journal and an Executive Member of ACM
SIGEnergy (as the Award Chair). His recent research interests include
online optimization and algorithms, machine learning in power systems,
intelligent transportation systems, distributed optimization, and
delay-critical networked systems. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist
and an IEEE Fellow.